Featured Articles

Practical Fishkeeping brings you inspirational and informative articles from some of the top experts in fishkeeping.

Why do people strive for the absolute minimum when keeping livestock?

Why do so many folks strive for the absolute minimum when keeping livestock? Nathan Hill shares his theory.

Six tropical fish of value to breed at home

Lots of people have the idea of breeding fish to sell on, financially some are aiming to supplement their hobby. Some…

Five ways for you to achieve crystal-clear aquarium water

Crystal-clear water isn’t a target that we all strive for with the rise of the Biotope aquarium and blackwater tanks.…

Have you kept these five underrated barbs?

In general, barbs are undemanding and active aquarium fish, but with so many suitable for aquaria you can’t keep them…

What fish can I keep in my small tank? Top six fish for your nano aquarium

Nano tanks (40ltr or less) are easy to fit into your home, the maintenance is easy to fit into your life, but there…

Do you believe experts still matter?

Do experts even matter anymore? Not in an era where people want simple solutions to complex problems, no. But if you’re…

Your hobby needs you!

While we’re fretting about masks and handwashing, a more subtle threat looms for the aquatics industry. Thankfully, it’s…

What will happen to nature after lockdown?

Isn’t nature beautiful? All the more when lockdown means that industry and pollution slows right down, giving ‘Mother…

Obey the rules and use common sense to help protect our fish stores

Who’d have thought people would turn nasty because they couldn’t buy a Platy? Turns out that as customers, we have some…