Featured Articles

Practical Fishkeeping brings you inspirational and informative articles from some of the top experts in fishkeeping.

Why is my fish constipated?

We’re all familiar with the sight of a fish trailing its faeces. We look at some of the common causes of constipation in…

Keeping Phantom plecs at home

Phantom plecs are a fascinating fish with a rich geographic story to tell. Here’s how you can set up your tank for these…

Opera of the Phantoms

With rocks that shine and turbulent waters that carry men to their deaths, explorer Ivan Mikolji looks at the habitat of…

Become sustainable

The events of 2020 have highlighted one thing in aquatics — we are an industry and a hobby on a precipice. Maybe it’s…

How to set up a Neon Tetra biotope

Nathan Hill •

None of our tank set-ups has ever divided opinion like this one. But whether you love or hate this biotope, it was one…

Supporting your fish and pond throughout the winter

Practical Fishkeeping •

With winter on its way there are certain steps fishkeepers need to take in order to ensure ponds and their fish are…

Marine scientists find a wealth of life hitch-hiking on plastic waste throughout the world’s oceans

The fact that marine fish are sharing their natural habitat with plastic debris makes for a very bleak situation.…