Practical Fishkeeping August 2024

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Embracing life beyond the Siamese fighter.

On Sale: 18/07/2024

What's in this issue?

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What's in this Issue?


Embracing life beyond the Siamese fighter.

Most aquarists are surprised to learn just how many different bubblenesting Betta there are. Gabor Horvath looks at care tips, breeding hints, and even how to identify four air breathing stunners. Which will you keep first? 

What’s inside the August issue of PFK:

•    BUBBLE BLOWING BETTA: There’s so much more to Betta than the Siamese fighter. Gabor Horvath explains all. 
•    THE RUFFE STUFF: Looking for a native fish that doesn’t grow huge but still has quirky antics? Hannah Taylor has the fish for you.
•    MAGNIFICENT MULTIDENS: Big cichlid fans may not have considered the mighty Heterochromis of Cameroon. But they should…    
•    CHEMICAL WARFARE: Are your corals silently assassinating each other out of sight? Chris Sergeant explains allelopathy. 
•    NEMATODE NOODLES: Tiny worms make up the mainstay of many a baby fish’s diet. We look at what to culture and when. 
•    LUSCIOUS LAMPEYES: Tai Strietman sets the bar astronomically high with his latest biotope for some gorgeous Poropanchax.