Featured Articles

Practical Fishkeeping brings you inspirational and informative articles from some of the top experts in fishkeeping.

Treatment basics you should be keeping to hand

The earliest stages of a disease are critical, and need to be diagnosed and treated promptly. Tom Ackrill looks at a few…

Nature wins

Away from the high energy aquascapes and sanitised community tanks, a movement for natural layouts is slowly growing.…

Making sense of the molly muddle

There’s a whole lot more to mollies than the ‘Heinz 57’ varieties that we see in stores. Neale Monks explains.

Myanmar’s fragile jewel

Lake Inle is unique in many ways, but not least for its indigenous fish fauna. Tom Ackrill takes a closer look at the…

Getting started in fish breeding

Have fish, will breed, right? If it was that easy, we’d all be doing it already. Nathan Hill looks at a few of the…

Mick's (Big) Fish

With around 45,000 Instagram followers, Mick Booth’s collection of big fish has attracted the eyes and the hearts of an…

Ol’ bluetooth

What’s your vote for the prettiest marine fish alive? Chris Sergeant suggests it might be a harlequin tuskfish. And he…

Lets bring nature back

As fishkeepers, have you ever wanted to give something back to the wild? Jeremy Gay explains that you can, and you can…

The Mucky Mouths

Occasionally, in the recesses of oddball fish stores, you might come across a square-looking, silvery-green or red-hued…