Fishkeeping Advice

Fishkeeping advice answering all of your questions on keeping cold water, tropical, marine, freshwater and salt water fish.

We have a team of top aquatic experts on hand to answer your questions, email us at [email protected] and we'll pass your question on to the most relevant expert. 

Can I feed earthworms to my fish?

Neale Monks advises on what to look out for when feeding earthworms to your fish.

How do I keep this puffer?

Neale Monks helps a reader identify a puffer.

How do I set up for these gobies?

Neale Monks gives his advice to a reader who would like to set up a brackish biotope for bumblebee gobies.

How should I adjust this water?

One reader would like some advice on how is best to adjust the water in her tank. Neale Monks gives his advice...

Should I switch my sump to live rock?

One PFK reader would like some advice on whether she can switch her sump to live rock. David Wolfenden offers his…

Where did these fish disappear to?

Bob Mehen gives his advice to a reader who is concerned about why his Cherry barbs are disappearing.

How do I safely cycle this larger set-up? 

One PFK reader would like to know the quickest way to get his new tank safely cycled and the fish moved. Bob Mehen gives…

Which fish are best for a beginner to marines?

Jeremy Gay gives his advice to a reader who after over 30 years of experience with tropical freshwater fish, is thinking…

How do I hatch and rear Angels?

Neale Monks gives his advice to a reader who suspects his Angels are eating their eggs, and would like to know whether…