The fish with the unpronounceable name!


Despite its stunning colours and striking markings, this triggerfish's most remarkable feature is its tongue-twisting name - humuhumunukunukuapua'a!

Found around Hawaii, it is now officially recognised as the islands' state fish and it is said that native Hawaiians identify non-Hawaiians by asking them to correctly pronounce its name.
It seems the name has also been causing problems for staff at a Hastings aquarium.

Blue Reef's Kate Buss said: "He's a beautiful-looking fish but none of us have got the faintest idea how to pronounce his name and it's proving a little embarrassing when we do our public talks and feeding demonstrations as he's the one fish in the toxic reef display that everyone always asks us about!
"We got someone to write it out phonetically but that really wasn't any clearer and we tried just calling him a Wedge tail triggerfish, which is an alternate name, but no one's letting us get away with that either.
"Apparently the name was also included in a scene from the Russell Brand comedy 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' which was partially set in Hawaii," she added.
Translation of the name in to English defines the animal as the 'fish with the pig-nosed face'. Apparently the fish also makes a grunting noise if taken out of the water.
In addition to its tortuous name, the fish's aggressive nature in the wild, and sharp teeth make it a potential threat to unwary divers. It's also reputed to be highly toxic if eaten.
Despite his growing fame, the triggerfish initially failed to make much of an impression on visitors.
"We'd only had him on display for a couple of days when he disappeared entirely," said Kate.
"Apparently he had hidden himself behind rockwork at the back of the display and we only found him at feeding time when he came up to the surface and began begging our senior aquarist for food.
"He has a lot of personality and he rushes around the tank, eating and filtering sand and always looking like he's on a mission to get somewhere!" she said.