New tetra described from Tocantins


A new tetra from the Tocantins River drainage has been described by Brazilian ichthyologist Paulo Lucinda and American Ichthyologist Richard Vari.

Naming the new species Steindachnerina notograptos in the most recent issue of the journal Copeia, the authors distinguish from congeners in having a pair of fleshy processes on the roof of the mouth.

It can be further distinguished from congeners by a combination of oral characters, meristic and pigmentation characters.

This species is known from the middle Tocantins River drainage in central Brazil and is named after the dark brown dots on the back and sides of the body (the Greek notos=back and graptos=wriiten or marked).

For more information, see the paper: Lucinda, PHF and RP Vari, 2009. New Steindachnerina species (Teleostei: Characiformes: Curimatidae) from the Rio Tocantins drainage. Copeia 2009, pp. 142"147.