'Bishop of Bling' spent £176,000 on aquarium!


A German bishop who resigned last week after details emerged over his extravagant spending had forked out £176,000 on a fish tank!

A 108-page report was published by the leadership of Germany's Catholic Church on Wednesday, detailing the building costs at the Bishop of Limburg's headquarters, which had spiralled to over £26 million. The original budget had been just £4.5m.

One of the items featured in the report was a lavish aquarium with a depth of two metres, filled with Koi.

Other costs included £1.4m for bronze window frames, £141,000 for a spiral staircase and £966,000 on artwork and decor.

Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst, dubbed the 'Bishop of Bling', handed in his resignation the same day the report was published.

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