Andy Moray just loves tennis!


Staff at Blackpool Sea Life Centre have nicknamed their giant Green moray eel 'Andy' after noticing that he waves his head from side to side as if he's watching tennis.

They even set up a TV in his aquarium so he could watch the goings-on at Wimbledon, particularly the Andy Murray matches.

The 6' long eel seemed riveted, staff say. "I think he may have mistaken the ball for a small yellow fish and was hoping it would get close enough to grab it,” said aquarist Martin Sutcliffe.

“We set the TV up mainly as a bit of fun for our visitors, but actually Andy is an intelligent eel and seemed to appreciate the distraction.

“He looks menacing but he’s a big softie really. In spite of those needle-like teeth we regularly feed him by hand.”

Staff at the Sea Life Centre are hoping to introduce Andy to a friendly female Green moray in the near future, who they will be naming 'Kim' after Murray's girlfriend Kim Sears.

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