Fishkeeping News

Practical Fishkeeping brings you the latest news, discoveries and events in the aquatic world.

Part eel, part cat...

The Eel-tailed catfish are rare and quirky, but they’re also charming and beautiful. Steve Grant takes a look a these…

Happy fish, healthy fishkeeper

It’s said that aquariums are good for you, but is there any rational basis to this claim? New contributor Heather…

Introducing  Echinoderms

When it comes to bottom dwellers that earn their keep, you could do a lot worse than some of the sea stars, writes Tim…


Sleek, colourful biting machines, the triggerfish are part of the old guard of marine tank inhabitants. Here’s a guide…

The parasite muncher

While they’re striking enough to look at, and have a quirky swimming style, the cigar-shaped characins of Anostomus have…

Sweet  humbugs

Catfish fans are a patient crowd when it comes to viewing their pets. Tai Strietman makes a case for a species that…

Fluval Bug Bites

Swimming  towards  sustainability - In wake of the ongoing fight against climate change, Fluval continue to be…

Nanochromis transvestitus

We tend to think of male fish as being the brighter of the sexes, but this isn’t always the case. Uwe Werner looks at a…

A Sting in the Name

The fish that live in the realm between fresh and seawater rarely get a look in. Chris Sergeant spotlights a brackish…