Fishkeeping Advice

Fishkeeping advice answering all of your questions on keeping cold water, tropical, marine, freshwater and salt water fish.

We have a team of top aquatic experts on hand to answer your questions, email us at [email protected] and we'll pass your question on to the most relevant expert. 

How do I divide this plant?

Neale Monks advises a reader on the best way to divide a Java fern.

Could a scented candle be a danger to my fish?

Neale Monks explains the potential risk of scent in the same room as your aquarium.

How can I calm these nervous fish?

Bob Mehen advises a reader on keeping Silver sharks in an aquarium.

How small can a reef tank go?

Jeremy Gay advises a reader on what's required to set up small reef tank.

How do I battle this algae?

Neale Monks advises a reader on the best ways to tackle the problem of algae in her tank.

How do I improve this aged water chemistry?

Neale Monks advises on a reader's problem with the water chemistry in an old tank.

Which mbuna are best to start with?

Jeremy Gay advises on which mbuna are best to start off with.

How should I tempt this picky Fighter?

Bob Mehen advises on varying food mix for a reader's Siamese Fighting Fish.

Are these barbs ready to spawn?

Neale Monks helps a reader understand if his Tiger Barbs are spawning.