Practical Fishkeeping March 2024

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A ‘SHRIMPLE’ GUIDE TO CRUSTACEANS! Have you embraced the leggy side of aquatics yet?

On Sale: 15/02/2024

What's in this issue?

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What's in this Issue?

This issue we’re offering up a guide to the colourful world of freshwater shrimp keeping, including a ‘who’s who’ of the shrimping world, instructions on setting up a dedicated tank, how to choose shrimp-safe plants and décor, and much more. 

What’s inside the March issue of PFK:

• LEGGING IT: Start your freshwater shrimp collecting hobby off with our easy access beginner’s guide
• MAJESTIC MANAGUENSIS: With big cichlids surging in popularity, we take a look at the ‘King of the Tankbusters’
• DEALING WITH BABY: There’s no need to fear unexpected fish births with our hints and tips on raising fry
• PIKEHEAD DO AND DON’TS: The curious Luciocephalus might not be as fussy as you originally thought
• EMBRACING BOTANICALS: How did leaves and seed pods become such an aquarium phenomenon, and which are right for your tank?
• CONTEMPORARY COMMUNITIES: A dive into the history of the modern community tank, and suggestions for a modern take