Practical Fishkeeping Magazine January 2023

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Issue Summary

Sometimes I’m all about the smaller and the more peaceful stuff, and that’s just how this issue has panned out. Starting out with our cover feature fish—Procatopus—we launch into three features on fish that don’t grow more than a couple of inches. From there, I give the green light to an interesting and slightly ‘out there’ pitch that came through: a Swedish biotope exploration. New contributor and ecologist Emil Nordström wanted to highlight some fish and habitat inspiration that’s (well) away from the tropics, and what a delight his feature is!

On Sale: 15/12/2022

What's in this issue?

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What's in this Issue?

For newcomers to the hobby, there’s an article all about avoiding Christmas calamities with your first tank—please do take the time to peek through it before you make an expensive and fatal (for the fishes) festive mistake! 
And, if I’ve timed this right, you should be getting this mag a few days before the ‘big day’. Merry Christmas/happy holidays to all our readers and thank you for your continued support!