Yoga teacher in bizarre fishy record attempt


A Yoga teacher is hoping to earn a place in the record books by swallowing live fish and blowing them out of his nose.

According to a report from Ananova, G. P. Vijaya Kumar from Gunduppalavadi in Tamil Nadu managed to swallow 509 fish through his mouth and then blow them out of his nose. All in the space of an hour.

He was apparently inspired to attempt the stunt after watching an American man who holds the record for blowing the longest single strand of spaghetti out of his nose with a single blow.

"I swallow the fish and take deep breaths to guide it through my nose..."

Ananova says that Kumar moved on to live fish after experimenting successfully with peas and corn.

He told The Asian Age: "This is a kriya in yoga where the nostrils are purified by swallowing fishes and bringing them out of the nose.

"I swallow the fish and take deep breaths to guide it through my nose. There are times the fish might glide back to the mouth, but by inhaling hard it can be brought up quickly."