Aquarama 2007 opens in Singapore


Aquarama 2007, one of the world's largest ornamental fish exhibitions, has opened at the Suntec exhibition centre in Singapore.

Practical Fishkeeping is reporting live from Aquarama, which is expected to be attended by over 25,000 people, including 6000 trade visitors and 200 exhibitors.

The international event is held every two years and covers all areas of the aquarium and pond hobby, from new fish and products, freshwater and marine aquascaping competitions, public and trade seminars, and a number of international fish shows.

The fish shows this year are dominated by fancy goldfish, Discus, fancy Betta splendens and numerous forms of Asian arowana, including some stunning and very expensive varieties.

We'll be taking a closer look at some of the most exciting fish on show later in the week, and speaking to some of the breeders of the fish to find out how they're produced.

A number of Asia's key fishkeeping societies are also here, including the Singapore Betta Club, which is displaying a superb collection of fish including many rarely seen varieties collected by its members on expeditions to Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Trade exhibitorsThe exhibitors are dominated by those from the Far East, which is the world's largest supplier of tank-bred aquarium fishes.

There are nearly 60 fish breeders and exporters exhibiting from Singapore alone, with 9 from Sri Lanka, 21 from Malaysia, 6 from Thailand, 8 from Hong Kong, 16 from Indonesia, 12 from Taiwan.

The products on show range from new aquarium gadgets, many of which are likely to appear on sale in the UK in the coming months, as well as new varieties of fish.

Just two exhibitors from the UK are attending, Tropical Marine Centre and lighting specialist Arcadia.

Open to the publicThe show also provides members of the public and the aquarium trade to visit some of Singapore's many ornamental fish farms.

This year visitors will get the opportunity to see how fish farmers in Singapore are producing a number of new fishes, including loricariid catfishes and cichlids, as well as Asian arowana or Dragonfish, as they are known locally.

Aquarama is open to the public on Saturday 26 May from 1.00pm-8.00pm and on Sunday from 10.00am-7.00pm. Entrance costs S$8, with free admission to children.

For more details on what's been revealed at Aquarama 2007 keep an eye on the news pages and our blog.