Scientists describe new species of Hasemania tetra


Brazilian ichthyologists have described a new species of Hasemania tetra from the upper Tocantins River drainage in Brazil.

Vinicius Bertaco and Fernando Carvalho name the new tetra Hasemania kalunga in a recent issue of the journal Neotropical Ichthyology. 

They distinguish the new species from congeners by the following combination of characters: 11–21 perforated lateral line scales, a black vertically-elongate humeral spot, the absence of a scale sheath along the anal-fin base, interorbital width 27.6–31.3% head length, caudal peduncle length 13.9–17.4% standard length, 12–15 branched anal-fin rays, 1–2 maxillary teeth, 19 principal caudal-fin rays, 33–36 scales in the longitudinal series, a caudal spot, and the absence of a broad horizonta black band along the body. 

According to the authors, the fish were collected along the margins of a shallow river with clear water and a substrate of sand and leaves.Stomach contents consisted predominantly of terrestrial insects. 

The new tetra is named after the Comunidade Quilombo Kalunga, escendents of African slaves that live in the region of the upper Tocantins River drainage near the type locality.

For more information, see the paper: Bertaco, VA and FR Carvalho (2010) New species of Hasemania (Characiformes: Characidae) from Central Brazil, with comments on the endemism of upper rio Tocantins basin, Goiás State. Neotropical Ichthyology 8, pp. 27–32.