Low river levels lead to fish rescue


Water levels in the River Rye, near Helmsley in North Yorkshire have dropped to such low levels that the Environment Agency,( EA) has had to organise a fish rescue mission.

The dry spring has left water levels dangerously low and this is causing many fish to struggle in the deteriorating conditions.

A team from the EA were due to begin netting affected areas on Thursday, June 9, with the aim of removing fish species including Brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) and Grayling (Thymallus thymallus), as well as crayfish to areas where water levels are higher.

The North Yorkshire area is not yet considered to be in drought, but areas of the River Rye have historically been prone to low water levels during dry weather so are regularly monitored by the EA to ensure the safety of its fish population and the associated long term health and biodiversity of the area.

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