Dolphins save stranded dog


A dog which had become stranded on a sandbar near Naples in Florida, was rescued after two dolphins alerted a couple who were on holiday in the area.

Audrey and Sam D'Alessandro had been planning to go fishing when they saw "two dolphins splashing and making a big commotion" in the canal behind their holiday home, reports Fox News.

Apparently it's not unusual to see dolphins swimming through the canal on their way to the Golf of Mexico, but these were acting very strangely, staying in one place and splashing water against the canal wall.

On closer investigation, the couple saw that a dog – a Doberman Pinscher similar to the one pictured above – had become stranded on a sandbar, where it was half underwater and too weak to bark. It had been unable to get onto dry land because the canal wall was too high.

Firefighters helped to hoist the dog to safety, by which time the dolphins had gone.

The dog - called Turbo - was later reunited with his owner, who got the good news of his rescue while putting up lost-dog posters.

Ed's note: It's OK, we know dolphins aren't fish, but we couldn't resist this story...