Angler attacked by leaping barracuda


An American angler has been attacked by a barracuda which leapt from the sea into his boat while he was fishing.

The angler, 65-year old Ziggy Zablotny suffered serious bleeding and a broken hand after the barracuda jumped in his boat and bit him during a fishing trip off Georgia, USA.

Judy Helmey, owner of the charter boat company told The Savannah Morning News: "This fish jumped over 30 feet from the water into the salon and hit this guy on the hand."

"We see them jumping all the time, but you never see them jump straight into the boat," she said.

Marine biologist Peter Fishcel told the paper that barracuda do not normally attack people: "It's quite a myth that they go out and attack people. Generally, it's a mistake by the fish when they bite someone."